Eleventy Website

I want to build a personal website. One thing in particular I want is my Resumè nicely and somewhat dynamilly rendered (well, filtering options for different views of the content).

This repo is quickstarted following the video “Build an 11ty Site in 3 Minutes”, from 11ty Rocks! YouTube channel:

The tutorial indeed delivers a basic working blog website in great shape in under 3 minutes. The first blog of this site is the steps presented in the video, src/posts/

Build and Run Site

After cloning this repo, cd into it and install the node packages:

npm install

Then you can start the (11ty) server:

npm build   # just compile the files
npm start   # runs the server

npm build [start] are aliases (in package.json) for:

npx @11ty/eleventy [--serve]


Some development/developer notes.

Turn off template parsing

The first post being the transcription of the video for this site, the document contains (Liquid) template code. The contents of and base.njk, for instance.

Since code blocks in the post is not meant to be parsed, we must disable it. While the file of the post –a markdown file– gets rendered.

There is a question about that to which one of the developers (I assume), answered to the point (

There are three ways to disable template parsing in a markdown file, and I quote:
